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OKS 470/471 - white all-round high performance grease (also for food processing industry)
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序号 产品编号 名称 Weight Packing 售价 订购数量
1.0 OKS 470-25KG - 25 kg Hobbock ¥4193.20
2.0 OKS 470-5KG 6kg / pc. 5 kg Hobbock ¥942.40
3.0 OKS 470-400ML 420g / pc. 400 ml cartridge ¥99.60
4.0 OKS 470-180KG - 180 kg barrel ¥26443.60
5.0 OKS 470 - Lubricant set (20 pc. 400 ml cartridges incl. hand grease gun) ¥2159.20
6.0 OKS 470-1KG 1.1kg / pc. 1 kg container ¥196.80
OKS 470/471 - white all-round high performance grease (also for food processing industry)

Temperature range: -30°C to max. +120°C
Field of application: For heavily loaded roller and slide bearings, spindles and sliding guides, when dark-coloured lubricants cannot be used.
Properties: Good pressure characteristics, wear-reducing, ageing and oxidation stable, water resistant, hygienically harmless, NLGI Grade 2.
Approvals: NSF H2 (Reg. 137707).
Catalogue page Pneumatic Atlas 8 (Page 928) Data sheet OKS 470 Suitable accessories:
  • Compressed air grease presses
  • Grease presses, DIN 1283

  • All technical data are to be understood as non-binding reference values. prices given plus VAT
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